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Sunday, August 11, 2019

The People v. Suzie

In the last month, we've gone from hating Hopper to hating Max, and now we're hating Suzie.
One of the biggest bombshells Stranger Things 3 had to offer was that Dustin has a girlfriend. The running joke throughout the season is that Dustin made her up...until it becomes convenient because she provides the key to shut down the gate to the Upside Down.
That's where people have been going off the rails. In order for her to give the key, Suzie requested that Dustin should sing the Neverending Story theme song, which, at first glance,  rekindled the spirits of the young at heart. But had she given the key upfront, the gate would have been shut sooner, and Hopper and Billy would have likely lived.
I never went as far as blaming Suzie for their deaths, but I did think it was sad that Suzie probably thought Dustin was pretending.
Dustin has let the world know that he is a self-proclaimed nerd, and everyone he talks to thinks he has an active imagination. He asked how to make a sensory deprivation tank, and his teacher thought nothing of it. With that being said, Suzie probably thought Dustin was playing a complicated version of Dungeons & Dragons where one of the clues was Planck's Constant.
Also, you have to think of this from Dustin's perspective. He really can't come out and say he's fighting monsters from alternate dimensions, or the Russians have invaded the U.S. When he said it her, she brushed it off, going back to my imagination point from earlier.
One other thing. Suzie hasn't heard from Dustin since they left Camp Knowhere. We, as the audience, know he's crazy about her. But when she finally talks to him, it's a test for her to make sure he's serious about their relationship, and it wasn't just a fun story from camp. Recently, I have discussed Hopper's behavior as shown in Season 3 and how it changed. Suzie has proven to show that she's a strong independent woman who won't let anyone boss her. Dustin tries to reason with her about the song, but it obviously doesn't work. It also kind of shows that Dustin is a Yes Man to Suzie, her love slave if you will.
Even if Suzie had given the key right away, there is still a possibility that the knock off T-1000 could have shown up and foiled Joyce and Hopper's plan. There are a ton of ways closing the gate could have been difficult.  When El closed the gate in Season 2, it was kind of anticlimactic. Don't get me wrong, it was a bitchin' thing to watch. She was screaming, blood running from her nose, she was levitating, she closed that sh*t up tight. But it was too easy. I'm sure there was no way the Duffers would use that tactic two seasons in a row.
Other possibilities to slow down closing the gate could be that it was more complicated than Alexi remembered. The other scientists could have changed the setup. The key may not have been Planck's Constant after all. The T-1000 could have already been inside the room or had a henchman waiting. Closing the gate could have taken the same amount of time the Death Star took to fire its super laser in the third act of A New Hope, causing the T-1000 show up sooner. I think the Duffers thought killing Billy and maybe  Hopper would create the highest emotional impact out of all the possible scenarios, and it pays off. Had Hopper and Billy lived, there is a possibility that viewers may not want to tune in to the final(?) season. The post-credit scene in the finale may have a negative reaction instead of brewing theories about the unnamed American and why are the Russians feeding prisoners to a Demogorgon.
Should the Duffers decide to bring Suzie into the Stranger Things family, and I hope they do, they might address this issue. Maybe Suzie will realize she may have caused two deaths in her cute stunt.
Wherever you stand on the issue, just know that these are the decisions made by the writers, the directors, the actors, and all the people who represent Netflix.

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