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Friday, October 25, 2019


This movie is f*cked up. Let me just say that right now. And I thought The Breakfast Club was edgy. 
Winona Ryder stars as a little mule for three of the evilest girls on the silver screen until Mean Girls, Heather, Heather, and Heather. I'm sure the writer had a little fun writing them to mess with people. But he must have been a magician because you were never confused with which Heather is being referred. Back to this, Winona forges notes to ruin people's lives for the Heathers' amusement. She hates her life. That is until she meets Christian Slater, a rebellious teen moving from place to place. Together they start causing mayhem by murdering people and posing them as suicides. First, it was the blond Heather who was hungover from a party. Slater gives her a cocktail of drain cleaner and orange juice, claiming that it's some get well juice. Heather crashes into the glass coffee table. Next, Winona and Slater kill the two evil jocks and pose it as a murder-suicide because of their "secret passion for each other."
Their school then responds to the suicides by trying to teach the children that there is nothing wrong with speaking about their issues. This doesn't bode well with Winona. The people they kill are more popular dead than they are alive. But then it starts to get serious when a woman bullied for being fat tries to kill herself by walking into traffic and fails. Winona wants to stop, but there was something much more sinister happening. Slater teamed up with the brunette Heather and made a school-wide suicide pact unbeknownst to the entire school. Slater's father is an architect and amateur demolition expert so he sets up a couple charges under the bleachers and sets a bomb in the boiler room under the gym so that the school would blow up in an ironic sort way that the school would commit mass suicide in an anti-suicide rally.
Winona has had enough, so she swoops in and saves the day shooting Slater's finger off and shutting off the bomb. Then she steps out to breathe, and here comes Slater, bleeding out. He's strapped the bomb to himself and decides to blow himself up to atone for their sins. He blows up and dies, and Winona dethrones all the remaining Heathers and becomes the ruler of the whole school.
I initially thought they were going to kill all the Heathers, and they almost do it. The brunette Heather tried to OD on pain pills in the bathroom because she can't handle the pressure of being the leader and that her boyfriend "killed himself for being gay." The redhead was kind of nonexistent the rest of the movie. But I guess it's called Heathers because it all starts with the Heathers. These evil b*tches are tormenting their lives, and so when one of them suddenly dies it's sort of a wake-up call that even popular kids are depressed. Normally, someone would find out that they're just straight up murders, or maybe Winona even fess up. Everyone knows that Winona works for the Heathers forging letters. But this movie does something different. Everyone is oblivious to what is happening. It never comes to mind that maybe Winona is behind it. She's miserable with the Heathers, and suddenly she's cynical when one of them dies. This movie worked because the police weren't involved.
I wonder what would if this story was told today. It wouldn't happen, that's the point. Oh...wait.

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Rotten Tomatoes Score: 94% Certified Fresh
IMDb Score: 7.3/10

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