Monday, March 11, 2019

"X-Men: First Class"

I felt like I was experiencing déjà vu when the movie opened up because the first X-Men movie started out this way. Young Erik Lenscherr was being taken to a concentration camp where he gets separated from his family. While he was being dragged away, the X gene in Erik triggers his ability to manipulate metal and bend the gates until they were inoperable. At the same time, Young Charles Xavier wakes up hearing a crash in the kitchen. He investigates to find his mother in the kitchen. This was suspicious because his mother set foot in the kitchen in her life. His mother transforms into a little blue girl with red hair. It was Mystique, only she was called Raven at this time. Charles smiled realizing that he isn't the only one anymore. He adopts Raven and calls her his sister.
We flash forward twenty years, Charles and Raven are graduating college, or at least Charles is; Nothing was indicated on what Raven was studying. Charles tries to pick up women at the bar by calling their mutations, auburn hair, one blue and one green eye, beautiful until Raven ruins the moment by existing. She asks him if he would date her; he says he never thought of her that way. The plot finally kicks into gear when a CIA agent, Moira McTaggart, comes to Charles for help. She discovers that a US military general is influenced in placing nuclear missiles in Turkey aimed at the Soviet Union. The Influencers are Emma Frost, a telepath with impenetrable diamonds for skin, Riptide, who can produce cyclones, Azazel, a red Nightcrawler with fire and teleportation, and Sebastian Shaw, not the actor, a man that can absorb energy who is also linked to Erik's past.
Erik was spared because of his abilities. The B story is him hunting Shaw down.
Erik and Charles meet up while staking out Shaw private yacht. After Shaw gets away, Oliver Platt, a mutant believer and supporter, takes Charles, Raven and Erik to his secret facility where they meet Hank McCoy, a brilliant scientist with hands for feet. He and Raven immediately hit it off, which doesn't concern Charles one bit. Together, they use Hank's machine, the Cerebro, to amplify Charles' telepathic powers to find all the mutants they can, and they pick up Angel, a fireball breathing "fairy?", Havok, who creates cosmic rays of energy, Darwin, who can adapt to any situation, Banshee, who can harness soundwaves by shrieking, and almost Logan, but he told Charles and Erik to f*ck themselves. I agree that was Logan's best moment in the X-Men franchise ever. EVER! It was so quick you have to question yourself whether or not it happened. But it was so awesome, you almost forget that the rest of the movie is so terrible.
Just when the mutants were beginning to get to know each other, they get ambushed by Shaw, and he recruits Angel to his army. Darwin almost goes too but it was a ruse to stop Shaw, and Darwin gets killed.
Knowing they have to do better to beat Shaw, Charles opens up his childhood home to train the new mutants to harness their powers.
Hank and Raven continue to bloom until it crashes and burns when Hank says he's finished with the serum, he was creating, to attack the X gene and hide the appearance. Raven becomes offended that he wants to hide Raven's blue skin. Erik, however, wants her to show off her appearance.
The ultimate battle comes in full swing as the Soviet ships carrying the missiles approach the American blockade in Cuba. They were about to cross the threshold when Charles influences a Russian general to fire on a stray Russian ship to stop it from crossing the threshold. Erik was able to use his new strength to lift Shaw's submarine out of the water and crash it on the beach. The mutant battle commences while Erik searches the sub for Shaw. He finds Shaw, but Shaw pushes him around with the energy he harnessed breaking the glass and allowing Charles to breach the void. Charles freezes Shaw But Erik throws the coin, Shaw gave him as a child, and drills it into his brain, killing him.
Meanwhile, Both the Russian and American ships are given orders to fire on the beach. they fire their missiles, but Erik stops them. He turns them and fires them back. Everyone fights Erik to stop him from flying the missiles, and it ends with Moira firing her gun at Erik, who now is deflecting the bullets. Then a bullet hits Charles and he now can't feel his legs. Erik, though feeling remorse, decides to build his army to fight back at the humans.
So, Erik is responsible for Charles' paralysis, the mutants are responsible for the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Charles knew Logan long before they meet in the first X-Men. Emma Frost was weirdly placed in this movie. in Origins, she was a prisoner of Stryker before Logan sets her free. She was a prisoner of the CIA until Erik releases her in the end. At some point Stryker captures Emma and Logan saves her. But I can't tell where Origins fits into the franchise. Logan served in Vietnam, so Emma had to be captured in the late sixties or early seventies.
I think this movie was trying to center around Raven and how she was able to learn to accept who she is and find someone who likes her for who she is. Unfortunately, it drags everyone else along with it. That's where it goes down. A team movie that is centered around one person, the team is distracting for the person, and the person is distracting for the team. You can't be both.
Hank tries the serum, and it does work. But then it amplified and he grew blue hair. I stand corrected on how Hank mutated. I always thought that he just mutated that way. When the movie began, I thought the feet was just a side effect; he's just hiding his blue hair. I guess not. Also, I thought Professor X was always paralyzed or his gift caused him to be paralyzed. Does anyone remember the X-Men lore anymore? I know I'm not a fanboy, and I shouldn't be allowed to ask that question, but the gene is triggered through puberty. Erik was still the right because they reused footage from the first movie, but Charles and Raven had to be at least ten.
Also, watching Magneto tear up a ship with its anchor is nothing compared to the action sequence set in the movie Titanic. Just saying.
I can see that they are trying to restart the X-Men and give it new life, but it doesn't replace what happened. I still think the first X-Men is the best film of the franchise.

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I hope you liked this. Be sure to subscribe and leave a comment about what you thought or if you want to recommend a movie for me to review. Thank you for reading. I'll return on Friday with another movie. See you then.

Before I Go See It: If you're wondering what happened last week about a new post, I was busy. You can check now my newest post on Dark Phoenix as well as others.

Released On: June 3, 2011
Rating: PG-13
Stars: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, January Jones, Kevin Bacon
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86% Certified Fresh
IMDb Score: 7.7/10

Saturn Awards

  • Best Science Fiction Film - Nominated
  • Best Make-Up Dave Elsey, Fran Needham & Conor O'Sullivan - Winner

CinemaSins - Everything Wrong with X-Men: First Class in 8 Minutes or Less
How It Should Have Ended - How X-Men: First Class Should Have Ended

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